So for a couple days I was pretty sure I had pneumonia. I swallowed some water weird (tragic) and thought for awhile that must be it because I heard once that if you stay out in the rain for too long you will get it. I wasn't out in the rain or anything (I wish) but I was thinking water in the lungs is no good! Since this water incident my sleeping clock has been way out of wack. For real. Friday night I turned nocturnal and ever since then I get 12+ hours of sleep one night when I finally fall asleep and then 1 hour of sleep the next!
Anyway, tonight is supposed to be the one hour night... except instead of sleeping for an hour I have: cleaned out half my closet for DI, cleaned out my makeup boxes, finished one essay, two assignments, jammed out, flipped mindlessly through plenty of pictures, looked up some Russian rap, wrapped a birthday present, accidentally bleached and ruined a perfect pair of moccasins, ate some toast and a burrito, tried to watch Seinfeld but my remote wasn't working, and surfed the internet! All because I couldn't sleep! Now it's 6 o'clock and I have to wake up in 20 minutes for school! What a productive night/morning. haha now who said nothing good ever happens after 12? Aww the life of a pneumonia victim.
Now make that 10 minutes.
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