~ She's Dreaming of Dawn ~


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So for a couple days I was pretty sure I had pneumonia. I swallowed some water weird (tragic) and thought for awhile that must be it because I heard once that if you stay out in the rain for too long you will get it. I wasn't out in the rain or anything (I wish) but I was thinking water in the lungs is no good! Since this water incident my sleeping clock has been way out of wack. For real. Friday night I turned nocturnal and ever since then I get 12+ hours of sleep one night when I finally fall asleep and then 1 hour of sleep the next!
Anyway, tonight is supposed to be the one hour night... except instead of sleeping for an hour I have: cleaned out half my closet for DI, cleaned out my makeup boxes, finished one essay, two assignments, jammed out, flipped mindlessly through plenty of pictures, looked up some Russian rap, wrapped a birthday present, accidentally bleached and ruined a perfect pair of moccasins, ate some toast and a burrito, tried to watch Seinfeld but my remote wasn't working, and surfed the internet! All because I couldn't sleep! Now it's 6 o'clock and I have to wake up in 20 minutes for school! What a productive night/morning. haha now who said nothing good ever happens after 12? Aww the life of a pneumonia victim. 

 Now make that 10 minutes.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


this summer i have had an ongoing obsession with cakeboss. i am becoming obsessed with cakes and pastries and everything associated with fondant, even though i've always been to lazy to actually try making them. NOW it is my goal to make a beautiful and equally delicious cake (covered in fondant) this next month of august! fondant is super delicious, and for those of you who think it's gross, you're eating the wrong stuff.  i'm getting ahead of myself, if you don't know what cakeboss is it's this amazing show that takes place in new jersey at carlo's bakery. it's a family owned business owned by some crazy awesome italians, buddy being the mastermind of all the huge, extravagent cakes. he'll make anything. seriously anything. and any size. he even made a lifesize nascar replica all out of cake once (the engine and all). he makes breathtaking wedding cakes too. i'll insert some of my favorite ones below. look him up. he makes cakes for celebrities, rich people, companies, charities, and anyone who comes in and wants to order a crazy cake.

i love this idea with the wedding tear on top and then cupcakes for the guests.

i guess for now i'm a little obsessed with his wedding cakes. he is a boss that's for sure.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


this will sadly be my third (second?) summer having not visited the beach. i usually go to california every summer. somehow this tradition has been thrown off. it really is a tragedy. i have not given up hope yet though; where there is a will  (and a little extra pocket change) there's a way! despite that, something about this summer, every summer, is just so magical but yet so different than the last. if you were to ask me if this was going to be the best summer ever and beat last year i would've told you to get out of town! but really, in it's own way the past couple months have had a personality special to their own right. i've felt revitalized.

here are 25 great things about this summer:

This summer. . . i've ridden around in a decked out beach car, sand and all.
This summer. . . was highly underestimated of its possibilities back in mid-may.
This summer. . . has brought me so much closer to my friends.
This summer. . . is beautiful and full of new experiences.
This summer. . . i tried wakeboarding for my first time!
This summer. . . has been deprived of much-wanted letters. but really, i'm okay.
This summer. . . i decided what college i'm going to.
This summer. . . i've been making a lot of decisions actually.
This summer. . . is (thank heavens) only halfway over. phewww
This summer. . . i met some of the most amazing girls in the world. we'll be bosom buddies forever.
This summer. . . i've decided maybe i can "grow up" a little, but no way am i getting old and boring.
This summer. . . i want to make someone's day, week, or month. year is pushin' it. 
This summer. . . i've thoroughly enjoyed (almost) every day of it.
This summer. . . involves a fan blasting in my face every night. yesss.
This summer. . . coldplay came out with a new song or two... e.t.i.a.w. is the best.
This summer. . . is officially making me nocturnal. no joke.
This summer. . . i've been cheating on taco bell with del taco. ironically i like both only for their burritos. sorry tb.
This summer. . . i was in a flash mob!
This summer. . . graduation happened.
This summer. . . i still think about him incessantly.
This summer. . . is treating me well. very very well.
This summer. . . the obsession for owl city prevails.
This summer. . . is a good time to meet new, great people. hello, what is your name and fave color?
This summer. . . i have discovered zumba!!
This summer. . . i'm in love with books. & nutella. & cat naps, power naps, any kind of naps. and pink&yellow.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

i am a believer.

i believe. . . .  
 it is not about how long you've known a person but how often they are 
there for you that makes them a friend.

i believe. . . .  
that maturity comes from our experiences not the number of years we have lived.

i believe. . . . 
 to truly know what love is, you need to sacrifice and put in the effort. love can be hard work.
it most likely will be some of the time. 

i believe. . . . 
 that even the desire to have faith is a stepping stone to acquiring it.

i believe. . . . 
 heartache is real. heartache is an illusion. the reality is that it can be a real feeling that tears us apart and consumes us. the illusion is when we let it. we are strong enough to overcome.

i believe. . . . 
the irony from selfishness is that the more we keep to ourselves the less we actually have. 

i believe. . . . 
that whoever made up the quote "life isn't fair" probably had a missionary. and a peg-leg.

i believe. . . . 
i live in a bubble. not intentionally. and not that that's a bad thing. 
it has made me crave learning, experiencing and living new things.
i want to travel the world and see what's out there. 

i believe. . . . 
no matter how unlucky i feel, there is always someone with crappier circumstances. 
this makes me feel a little more lucky.

i believe. . . . 
blogging is in a way like therapy, i should do this more often!

i believe. . . .
there is no way i could do this all on my own. in my happiness and joy He is there with me.
 in my sorrows He is there equally if not more so. this is fact.

i believe. . . . 
confidence is built when we are around people we love, encouraging us to do the things we love to do.

i believe. . . . 
 no one should ever stop dancing or singing completely just because they aren't good at it.
it's not about being good. it's about feeling your soul come alive and being able to express yourself
in a way you could feel through no other action.
these are the moments that set you free. 

i believe. . . . 
in my dreams.